Beginning February 3, 2020, SETD will change a number of its schedules to provide expanded service. This will mean additional service on the weekend and additional loops during weekday service. Affected are the Route 10, Route 15 and the Route 101.
Route 10 will add three trips daily to MERTS campus, and will add service to the neighborhood near Grays School. Weekday service will run every 70 minutes from 6:00 AM until 9:10 PM.
Route 15 will add 10 loops to the existing 10 loops resulting in weekday service to Warrenton and Hammond every 45 minutes. The newly aligned Route 15 will service Hammond, Fred Meyers, Walmart, Huckleberry and 19th St., and will cross Hwy 101 to provide service on Main St. from Fort Stevens Spur north to the Warrenton Mini Mart.
A newly created Route 16 will mirror the Route 15 but on the weekends. This route will also provide service every 45 minutes, but will end service at 5:25 PM on Saturday and Sunday.
Route 101 Will add 6 loops each weekday resulting in service every 49 minutes from 6:00 AM until 9:22 PM. The new alignment of the Route 101 will give primary service to Hwy 101. It will travel from the Astoria Transit Center to Avenue U in Seaside and back. It will not service Walmart and will not go “over the hill” to service points including the college in Astoria. It will however continue to serve Camp Rilea, Sunset Beach, and will provide a connection with the Route 20 at the Seaside cinema.
Please see the new schedules for these routes below.