
Federal Funds Available/Fondos federales  disponibles

December 29, 2022

Sunset Empire Transportation District (SETD) announces the opportunity for eligible parties in Clatsop County to apply for §5310 Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program Funds for the 2023-2025 Biennium.  Projects eligible for funding are required to provide transportation services for seniors and persons with disabilities.  Eligible parties include Cities, Counties, Transportation Districts, Public or private agencies, Federally recognized Indian Tribes, Individuals, or any of these joined in cooperative agreements.  Estimated biennial grant funds are $323,187.  All projects funded with §5310 must be derived from a locally developed and adopted Coordinated Plan.  This program has a match component.  Use the following link for §5310 application form and instructions.

Applications must be submitted no later than 5:00pm on January 9, 2023.  For questions, please contact Jeff Hazen at [email protected] or 503-861-5399.

diciembre 29, 2022

Sunset Empire Transportation District (SETD) anuncia la oportunidad para que las partes elegibles en el condado de Clatsop soliciten §5310 Fondos del Programa de Movilidad Mejorada para Personas Mayores e Individuos con Discapacidades para el bienio 2023-2025.  Los proyectos elegibles para financiamiento deben proporcionar servicios de transporte para personas mayores y personas con discapacidades.  Las partes elegibles incluyen ciudades, condados, distritos de transporte, agencias públicas o privadas, tribus indias reconocidas federalmente, individuos o cualquiera de estos unidos en acuerdos de cooperación.  Los fondos de subvenciones bienales estimados ascienden a 323.187 dólares.  Todos los proyectos financiados con §5310 deben derivarse de un Plan Coordinado desarrollado y adoptado localmente.  Este programa tiene un componente de coincidencia.  Utilice el siguiente enlace para el formulario de solicitud §5310 y las instrucciones.

Las solicitudes deben enviarse a más tardar a las 5:00 pm del 9 de enero de 2023.  Si tiene preguntas, comuníquese con Jeff Hazen al [email protected] o al 503-861-5399.



  • Pacific Connector- Final route leaves Cannon Beach Visitors Center going north at 4:58 pm. Final stop and End of Service will be at Fred Meyer at 5:41 pm. *No further service to Astoria from Fred Meyer or from Astoria to Fred Meyer after final stop at 5:41pm.
  • Route 16- Final route leaves Fred Meyer at 4:02 pm. Final stop and End of Service at Fred Meyer at 4:42 pm.
  • Lower Columbia Connector – Running Regular Route Schedule


December 25,  2022 and January 1, 2023

NW Point Bus will be operating their regular schedule during the Holidays

For more information see our website at or call SETD staff at 503-861-7433 Option #1.

 To request this information in an alternative format please call Mary Parker at 503-861-5370 or [email protected].




  • Pacific Connector: El último autobús sale de la Oficina de Turismo (Visitors Center) de Cannon Beach hacia el norte a las 4:58 p. m. La última parada y el fin del servicio será en Fred Meyer a las 5:41 p. m. *No habrá servicio de Fred Meyer a Astoria ni de Astoria a Fred Meyer después de la última parada a las 5:41 p. m.
  • Línea 16: El último autobús sale de Fred Meyer a las 4:02 p. m. La última parada y el fin del servicio será en Fred Meyer, a las 4:42 p. m.
  • Lower Columbia Connector: Mantendrá su recorrido y horario habitual.


el 25 de diciembre de 2022 y el 1 de enero de 2023

NW Point Bus mantendrá su horario habitual durante los días festivos

Para obtener más información, puede visitar nuestro sitio web ( o llamar al 503-861-7433 (opción #1)
para contactar al personal de SETD.

Si desea recibir esta información en otro formato, puede contactarse con Mary Parker al 503-861-5370 o escribirle por correo electrónico: [email protected].

Victoria Davis receives Executive Director Award of the Year and Employee of the Quarter

Victoria Davis has been chosen the Employee of the Second Quarter by the SETD Management Team. Victoria also received the Executive Director Award of the Year by Executive Director Jeff Hazen. Executive Director Hazen said that Victoria was chosen for the Executive Director Award for all of the same great reasons she was chosen for Employee of the Quarter. Victoria began her employment at SETD as a driver on May 10, 2021. Victoria is known for her wonderful customer service, her strong work ethic and her integrity. Victoria cares a great deal about the quality of service she provides and goes the extra mile to make sure that her passengers are always met with a smile and kind word. Victoria is a pleasure to work with and has received many accolades from riders and coworkers. She brings fun to work and shares it with her coworkers. There is never a dull moment and of course much laughter when Victoria is in the room! A surprise gathering was held where Executive Director Jeff Hazen presented Victoria with an engraved crystal plaque commemorating her being chosen for the Executive Director Award of the Year along with flowers and gift certificates for her also being selected Employee of the Quarter. Congratulations Victoria! SETD is thankful for all you do!

Service & Times Change Jan. 3, 2023

Because of the New Year’s Day holiday, the Portland Commuter service is NOT operating on January 2, 2023.

  • Beginning Tuesday, January 3, 2023, the Portland Commuter service will be reduced to one (1) morning run and one (1) evening run.
  • The morning run will depart the St. Helens Transit Center at 6:15 am and depart from Downtown Portland at 7:10 am to return to St. Helens.
  • The evening run will depart the St. Helens Transit Center at 4:20 pm and depart from Downtown Portland at 5:15 pm to return to St. Helens.
  • There will be no changes to stop locations or time intervals between stops.

These times were derived from the results of our recent surveys – Thank You to those who participated.

Below is an updated schedule which includes the St. Helens to Portland service provided by both CC Rider and NW Connector (operated by Sunset Empire Transit District).

Questions, Concerns, or Feedback?  Please call or email John Dreeszen, Transit Director, at 503-366-8503, [email protected].

SETD will be closed on Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving!

SETD will be closed on 

Thanksgiving Day November 24, 2022

Astoria Transit Center & Seaside Transit Office

will also be closed. Regular bus services will resume on Friday November 25, 2022

For more information please go to

or call 503-861-7433 Ext #1

The Northwest Point Bus will be operating on Thanksgiving Day

Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias

El SETD estará cerrado el Día de Acción de Gracias, 24 de noviembre de 2022

El Centro de Tránsito de Astoria y la Oficina de Tránsito de Seaside también estarán cerrados.

Los servicios de autobuses regulares se reanudarán el viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2022

Para obtener más información visite to o llame al 503-861-7433 Ext 1

El autobús de Northwest Point operará el Día de Acción de Gracias

Temporary Closure of the Seaside Transit Office

The Seaside Transit Office will be closed through November 16th. We anticipate sufficient staffing to be able to reopen it on November 17th. Passes can be purchased on the Token Transit app and the Transit app. Information on bus location can also be seen on the Transit app. If you are in need of further assistance, please call the Astoria Transit Center at 503-861-7433 Option 1.