NW Connector Bicycle Policy

All NW Connector buses have bike racks. Riders must load, secure, and unload their bikes. Riders are responsible for properly securing their bicycles on the NWConnector bike racks and should ask the bus driver if they are unclear about how to do so. Bike racks are inspected daily. Riders are responsible for notifying the driver if they find the bike rack isn’t working properly. An informational video is available on the NWConnector website (Click Here for Instructional Video) demonstrating how to properly secure bikes to the bus.

If the bike rack is full, bikes may be brought on the bus if space is available and at driver discretion. Riders must have control of their bikes at all times if they bring a bike inside a NWConnector bus.

Mobility devices such as wheelchairs take priority and bikes brought inside the bus will be moved to accommodate them.